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Aroha Noa

Cdn Ch Aotearoa Aroha Noa:  Born  February 4, 2006                                                                                                      Sire:  Ch Aotearoa Kia Ora (Kia)                                                                                        Dam: Ch Aotearoa Kui’s Kotiro (Kotiro)


My Noa obtained her Canadian Championship in October 2007 at the All Breed Show in Belleville, Ontario under Judge Robert Rowbotham.  She went Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Breed on the Sunday even over a Special.


Noa always gets a lot of attention on our walks.  This was taken by a gentleman who has been watching all my wolfhounds over the years and has made it his pet project to become her “best” friend.

One of Noa’s alias’ is the “Princess”.  Can you guess why?

Noa and her brother Aru cuddling on the wolfhound futon.  I swore I would never have two pups of the same age again because of these two.  They were easy to raise but became so close I eventually had to show them on different days at All Breed shows because they would only want to be with each other.  Made for some interesting times going around the ring, with the one racing to catch up to the other.

Noa had some really exciting Irish Wolfhound Specialty wins covering a period of just over a year.

In September of 2006 at the IWCC National Specialty Noa under Breeder/Judge Ms. Elizabeth Murphy (Carrokeel/Ireland) took second in the 6 to 9 month females.  Betty Murphy said, “Typical puppy with good head.  Good body, good hindquarters, layback of shoulder good but would like a little more angulation of upper arm.  Moved well for her age with a nice stride.”

In May of 2007 at the IWCC Regional Specialty in Quebec under Judge Mrs. Nancy King-Aiken, Noa place 2nd in the 12 to 18 month Females.  The judge said, “Close to the first place female.  Has balance and type in her body, neck and head. Great neck and shoulders, good ears and coat.  She moved with a sound stride.”

In October of 2007 at the IWAGS Specialty in USA under Breeder/Judge Mrs. Jean McDonald Ulliott (Hibeck/UK), she placed 4th in the Novice Bitch Class.  The judge’s critique read, “Elegant cream built on a larger frame than most.  A lot to like about this young lady.  Very houndy big strong girl, correct topline and underline, great length to legs, good ribbing, but lacks forechest, hope that comes as she is still only a youngster.  She moved with long easy strides, holding her wonderful ears to perfection.  She just needs time to gain the high honours.  An interesting specimen.”

I basically retired my Noa for a short stint while trying to breed her to a particularly beautiful male but unfortunately after trying twice I gave up and brought her out of her short retirement for a few shows.  Due to a broken wrist I had to limit showing her in the All Breed shows but even there she had not lost her touch, winning BOS (Best of Opposite Sex) consistently opposite the top Irish Wolfhound in Canada in 2009;  Cdn and Am Ch Aotearoa Lee Ridge Tote, “Salt”.

Then in the winter of 2010 I bred her to Cdn Ch Aotearoa Oldline Freehold Moa, in conjunction with Mrs.Daley.  Noa produced 7 beautiful pups, 6 boys and 1 girl.  All have gone on to show and pet homes and I have myself kept a male “Hercules”.  I have high hopes for these grandchildren of my Kia Ora.

My Noa was a very loving mother.  Here she is with a few of her pups.

My Noa turned out to be an exceptional mom and did a beautiful job raising her litter, with of course some help.

I wish to take this moment and give a Special thank you to my friend, Louise Bouchat-Laird, of Kalkinny Fiddaun Kennel, who not only helped whelped Noa’s litter but is the recipient of Noa’s only daughter, Heera, who I hear is keeping her busy.

I also wish to extemd thanks to Mrs. Daley of Aotearoa Irish Wolfhounds for being there for this first litter of Noa’s and mine.  I hope to be able to carry on the tradition of continuing to produce such beautiful wolfhounds in the future.

Noa the July of 2010 after her litter.

Noa with her son Falshane, aka ‘Hercules’ around the  end of July 2010.

My Noa and myself posing in front of Skylark Manor in Sufferin, NY, in October of 2010.

Do you get the feeling we were keeping her up.  Poor princess had to miss some of her beauty sleep.

and the story continues.......

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