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“Hey, Auntie Laurie, what no hugs for us?”

Awe....the sleep of the innocent.  Albie is older but should we ask his owner, uh,  Laurie, what did he finish chewing now????

Meet Deborah Miner of Texas.  Deborah has two of Kia’s sons, Daley and Dubee and has put titles on both. The third fellow peeking out from behind is Danny Boy, who helped raise the two younger wolfhounds.  A truly gentle soul, Danny Boy has now crossed the rainbow bridge and will wait for his family to join him someday (hopefully in the far future).

Dubee winning a Major.  He has begun to grow into all that promise he showed as a puppy.  Way to go Deborah and “Dubbs”.

Here is Kia’s son Daley with a 4 point Major.  Way to go Daley.  I’m proud of both Kia’s sons.  Deborah has done an amazing job with both these boys and I am very thankful of the great care and love she has showered on all her dogs.

Meet a Kia Ora son, (Barnie short for Barnstable), who is a brother to my Tumanako, (aka “Mannie”).  He is a much beloved pet and obviously enjoying his life and family.

My Noa’s young son Cyano, now living in France.  He reminds me of his father, Moa in these photos.  His owner Brigitte Basset says he is pictured here with her friend ‘Mimi’.

Meet Molly Malone, a daughter of my male Tumanako, aka Mannie.  Molly is owned by Mary Wagner who has done a terrific job on raising her. 

Meet Noa’s son Bebop, owned by JoAnne Doull.  Caught here laying beside his owner as he takes a breather during a playdate at Louise Bouchat-Laird’s home in Kemptville.  While all the boys/girl were young we arranged the playdates for them to have someone more their own size to interact with.  Bebop has also visited me and his brother Hercules in Kingston and enjoyed a short romp.  He is a truly beautiful wolfhound.  Thank you JoAnne for the great job you have done in caring for him.

“Awe, shucks, you know I hate my picture taken!”

“Well.......if you insist, this is my best side.”

Meet Canadian Champion Aotearoa Kaldaun Concerto, aka “Heera”.  Heera is my Noa’s daughter the only female in the litter of seven.  Surprise, surprise, she was/is definitely a spoiled girl.

Heera cuddling with myself.  When she was born she outweighed the boys.  The pups are very trusting and will cuddle with anyone.

I swear Ma, do I look like I would do that.  Look at my brothers, I bet they have dirty paws, besides it’s too hot to keep digging!  Oops!

I’m going to tell you one more time big brother. (Hercules)   No more carrying the ball in the mouth.  Goals only count if we “kick” the ball in.  Got it?

Okay, enough of the stupid ball.  Lets play follow the leader.  This is Bebop and you can see my brother Herc’s tail.  I’m last.....for now.

Awe ma, it was only a little dirt, I can always dig the other way now and fill it in.

See I told ya Auntie Louise, I didn’t dig the hole, Heera did it all by herself!

See I can pose too!

Here is Hera with a very nice win at the Ottawa Kennel Club dog show.  Heera took the Best of Breed, Best Puppy in Breed and went on to get a Group 2nd.  Once again congratulations everyone!  Noa I’m sure would be very proud of her beautiful daughter, I know I am.

Introducing, ‘The Rising of Tokelry’, aka ‘Bruce’, the father, grandfather and greatfather of my line.  Bruce lived until six and a half years if age before cancer took him away from his human family, but even though this terrible disease was able to extinguishe his ‘light’, it couldn’t tarnish the type of Irish Wolfhound he was.  Wherever he went Bruce left a lasting impression on all who knew him.  I’m sure that even as I write this he is running across fields with complete joy with his son Kia, his grandson Aru and his daughter Keeley who resembled him in colour (see earlier photo on this page) at his side.  Once again I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Cathy Rivoire for the wonder photographs of this boy who though I never saw him again I could never forget.  Knowing he was well loved in those last years means a lot to me.

Bruce with his buddy Echo.

Cathy and her family often went camping and Bruce went with them.  It seems he fascinated the younger generation as well! 

............. and his heritage carries on, with Noa his grandaughter’s son, Hercules and his his oldest grandson Olcan!

A new beginning for our Ailbe, now all grown up now.  He is one of Noa’s first litter pups and you can see him with his first owner Laurie at the beginning of this page.  For various personal reasons Ailbe’s former owner could no longer look after him and so he was rehomed.  Both he and I were very fortunate that Sonia Bernier and her husband were looking for a mature wolfhound at the same time and a match was made!  Thank you Sonia for not only giving my boy a great home but obviously providing him with the love all our wolfhounds demand.  The following are a few photos showcasing Ailbe and his new family!  Thank you Soinia for not only sending these lovely photos but keeping me abreast of my Noa’s son.  It is truly appreciated.  

Ailbe at rest in his new domain.

Ailbe By the Sea

Ailbe the Beachcomber!


Meet my beautiful Kaldaun’s Aengus na Tirnanog, Arwen’s brother.  He was my pick of the males in Olivia’s litter and I placed him with my friend and the owner of his sire, Mister (see my litter announcement page), Cathy Charles.  Aengus is pictured here as a New Canadian Champion, with his handler and my friend Glenn McLaughlin.

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